The Worst Financial Mistake I’ve Ever Made
That time I really messed up, and what I learned from it.
Haircuts At Home
Upon setting our sights on financial independence, Mr. Sense and I eagerly experimented with all sorts of tricks from FIRE bloggers, including attempting haircuts at home to save on trips to Hair Cuttery. We had first experimented with this during the early days of Covid shutdowns, with… subpar results. But over the last couple of years, we’ve refined our technique and even gotten the kids on board. My sister trimmed Kid’s long hair over the Christmas break, and Boy Sense recently consented to letting me cut his hair, which turned out very well to my immense relief.
Lent Is Coming
When I was in elementary school, my dad packed my lunch everyday, so I rarely had the cafeteria food. I liked the homemade lunches, but I coveted the school food on Friday, when they always served pizza. When one of the other kids told me that the cafeteria had pizza on Fridays (always a choice of cheese or pepperoni) because Catholic kids couldn’t eat meat on Fridays during Lent, I had no idea what she was talking about.
The Sense Family Goes Back To The 1950s… Becoming A One Car Family
Can this suburban family of four possibly SURVIVE with just one car?
Six Months Without Drinking, And What I’m Doing Now
I decided to take an extended break from alcohol to focus on other things. Here’s how my experiment went, and my surprising choice at the end!
My Year of Bike Commuting
I bike commuted for a year straight, rain or shine. Here’s what I learned.
Mammon Sense Reviews: Ramit Sethi
I watched several episodes of Ramit Sethi’s popular podcast… here’s my review!
Backyard Chickens
Four feathered members of the Sense family— Portobella, Henata, BachBach, and Rei
The (Other)FIRE Number For Christians
The secular FIRE movement is focused around living frugally to accumulate wealth. The culmination point is reaching a predetermined amount of money in investments, often determined using the 4% rule. Saving enough money to retire years ahead of society’s schedule takes discipline, and many within the movement struggle to switch gears once they actually get to the number they were aiming for the whole time. It’s easy to fall for the siren song that you’ll really be able to rest easy after one more year on the job or one more hundred thousand dollars of savings.
As we watch with sadness as our fellow humans in Gaza, Israel, Ukraine, and elsewhere struggle for basic needs and physical safety, we rightly feel gratitude to God for the beauty and security of our homes here. God’s plans for all our lives are greater than we can imagine, and those of us in places enjoying peace can only marvel at the blessings that surround us constantly, many of which we rarely take time to notice. One related blessing I don’t want to take for granted is the immense latitude I’ve been given to set priorities for myself; to tailor my surroundings to my preferences and set goals that I find meaningful and joyful.
Current Projects and Experiments– An Update
I’ve kept busy with a few personal projects over the past couple months. Instead of some practical tips or a new way to talk about why retiring early is a worthy goal, here’s an update on what I’ve been up to.
Financially Dependent
Why do we weigh our expenses carefully, plan meals around our budget, and find creative ways to bump up our savings rate? The FIRE lifestyle is all about making conscious choices now so we can have access to more freedom later on. Many of us in this country are blessed beyond measure with opportunities to save aggressively enough to potentially retire early or pursue projects outside a traditional paying job. Financial independence, as I write about it on this blog, is about freedom to forgo paid employment earlier than normal, if you feel like it.
Who Is The Head Of Our Household?
Let’s talk about Ephesians 5. (If you’ve attended a conservative church for any length of time, you know where I’m going with this!)
A Worthwhile Investment Opportunity
Our physical bodies are an amazing gift from God, but it’s easy to take them for granted. We eat a delicious dinner and the food is transformed within us into energy; we can breathe and move at the direction of tiny threads in our brains. We climb into bed after a long day, and our cells renew themselves while we rest. The very acts of eating, sleeping, and moving make us stronger and more resistant to disease and pain.
“a house full of the impenetrable mystery”
My dad read The Screwtape Letters to my sister and I when we were kids, and I’ve reread it a few times over the years. This letter, in which the devil’s undersecretary describes with horror the new love interest of the human “patient” his junior temptor nephew is responsible for, has always stood out to me. Screwtape’s description of the young woman is dismissive on the surface, but the reader can sense his fear of this woman and her family. What is it about these humans that inspires genuine fear in a powerful demon like Screwtape?
My FIRE Wedding
Weddings and frugality aren’t a popular combination. Bakeries and florists often add surcharges for products associated with weddings, and the list of expenses stretches on. But when I got married, years before I’d ever heard of FIRE or dreamt of retiring before sixty, I managed to have a wedding with all the traditional trappings for a minimal price tag, by today’s standards.
What We Owe Our Kids
Kid Sense is seventeen now, and I’m thinking a lot about my parental responsibilities as she closes in on adulthood. Striking the right balance between supportive nurturing and encouraging independence is tough; every child is different, and they don’t come with instruction manuals.