A Worthwhile Investment Opportunity
Our physical bodies are an amazing gift from God, but it’s easy to take them for granted. We eat a delicious dinner and the food is transformed within us into energy; we can breathe and move at the direction of tiny threads in our brains. We climb into bed after a long day, and our cells renew themselves while we rest. The very acts of eating, sleeping, and moving make us stronger and more resistant to disease and pain.
Keeping our bodies active is the other key piece of giving ourselves the best chance of long, happy, healthy lives. Fortunately, physical activity is a gift from God that almost everyone can enjoy in some form. While I avoid sports that involve hustling in the freezing cold for prolonged periods of time (except bike commuting!), I love most kinds of exercise, especially outdoor activities. One of my favorites is the simple walk– I usually get in at least a couple walks each day. Walks are awesome! Even God took a walk in the Garden of Eden. Walking benefits us physically, mentally, and spiritually in ways we can’t fully comprehend. Plus, it’s easy to start and to squish into little pockets of free time during the day.
Long term physical health is a combination of our choices (what we eat, whether we smoke cigarettes, when we choose to go to bed, how much exercise we get) and elements outside of our control (God’s plans, genetics, disabilities). As with most things, it’s best to focus on the pieces we control rather than obsessing over those we can’t. All of us have been blessed with physical bodies to last the duration of our earthly lives, and we should love and care for them, because they are part of God’s creation.